Healing Through Words: The Therapeutic Power of Journaling

3 min readMar 6, 2024
Photo by Alina Vilchenko

In the quiet moments of the night, when the world seems to slow down and the burden of my thoughts becomes too heavy to bear, I found solace in an unexpected place: the blank pages of a journal. Like many, I navigated through the bustling days wearing a mask of composure, but internally, I was a ship caught in a storm of doubts, fears, and unresolved emotions. This is a story not just about struggle, but about a simple, yet profoundly healing tool: journaling.

The Release of Writing

The act of journaling is akin to opening a valve to release the pressure of an overburdened mind. It’s about transcribing the intangible — thoughts, feelings, worries — into tangible words on paper. This process, I found, has a peculiar magic to it. Writing down my thoughts helped me step back and examine them as if they were outside of myself, rather than overwhelming forces within. It was as if by setting them on paper, I was lifting the weight off my shoulders, letting the pages carry the burden instead.

Facing the Problems

For years, I grappled with anxiety and stress, feeling a constant tension that I couldn’t seem to escape. It was a nebulous problem, one that didn’t present a clear solution or endpoint. When I started journaling, I didn’t immediately recognize its impact. But over…




I'm a mom of two teenagers, burnt out at work, becoming an advocate for mental health care. Enough is enough!